Arrow's Blog

Welcome to Arrow Services, Inc’s new blog page.
Below is our 1st ever blog post and we are super excited to start this new experience.

Each week Arrow will feature a new and unique issue that arose during the previous week.
Bloggers will be any employee with a unique experience!

Here’s How to Pest-Proof Your Home for the New Year

With how persistent pests can be in infiltrating your home, keeping them at bay may seem like an impossible task. However, it isn’t entirely impossible with proactive prevention. Now that the new year is just around the corner, there’s no better way to start it than keeping your home and family safe from pests. Here’s […]

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Arrow's Blog

Welcome to Arrow Services, Inc’s new blog page.
Below is our 1st ever blog post and we are super excited to start this new experience.

Each week Arrow will feature a new and unique issue that arose during the previous week.
Bloggers will be any employee with a unique experience!

The Most Common Winter Pests That May Invade Your Home

Like how humans have different ways to keep themselves warm during winter, pests have various strategies to cope with the cold season. Unfortunately, those methods typically include taking refuge in residences, which cause a great deal of inconvenience to homeowners. Preparing for the cold months and learning about the behaviors of winter pests can help […]

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Arrow's Blog

Welcome to Arrow Services, Inc’s new blog page.
Below is our 1st ever blog post and we are super excited to start this new experience.

Each week Arrow will feature a new and unique issue that arose during the previous week.
Bloggers will be any employee with a unique experience!

Three Ways You May Be Attracting Pests and Nuisances Into Your Home

Some homeowners take precautions to prevent pests from infiltrating and invading their houses. There are habits many of them do that can lure these sneaky critters indoors. Here are some of them: Leaving the Trash to Accumulate Critters like cockroaches, ants, and rodents go after whatever is inside garbage bins to feed on—scraps, cereal crumbs, […]

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Arrow's Blog

Welcome to Arrow Services, Inc’s new blog page.
Below is our 1st ever blog post and we are super excited to start this new experience.

Each week Arrow will feature a new and unique issue that arose during the previous week.
Bloggers will be any employee with a unique experience!

Get to Know One of Your Biggest Household Enemies: Cockroaches

Cockroaches Hiding Behind Plant

Roaches are among the most common household critters and the culprit behind many pest control requests from homeowners. They’re called unhygienic scavengers, and seeing even just one of them is enough to make one’s skin crawl. Learning and understanding their nature and behavior is essential. Only then you’ll have better chances of preventing them from […]

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Arrow's Blog

Welcome to Arrow Services, Inc’s new blog page.
Below is our 1st ever blog post and we are super excited to start this new experience.

Each week Arrow will feature a new and unique issue that arose during the previous week.
Bloggers will be any employee with a unique experience!

The Worst Pest Threats to Food Safety in Restaurants

Flies on Food | Pest Threats to Food Safety

It takes a lot of work, effort, and preparation for restaurants to produce great food, create a comfortable atmosphere, and satisfy customers. But small, filthy pests are all it takes to ruin all three. Critters pose a huge threat to food safety with the pathogenic bacteria they carry. In fact, the World Health Organization (WHO) […]

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Arrow's Blog

Welcome to Arrow Services, Inc’s new blog page.
Below is our 1st ever blog post and we are super excited to start this new experience.

Each week Arrow will feature a new and unique issue that arose during the previous week.
Bloggers will be any employee with a unique experience!

The Common Pests You Should Look Out For During Fall

As summer comes to a close and the temperature starts to drop, critters begin to seek shelter and food sources in warm settings. For some of them, homes or business establishments are the most ideal places to go to, which results in an influx of infestations. It’s essential to identify which pests you should look […]

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Arrow's Blog

Welcome to Arrow Services, Inc’s new blog page.
Below is our 1st ever blog post and we are super excited to start this new experience.

Each week Arrow will feature a new and unique issue that arose during the previous week.
Bloggers will be any employee with a unique experience!

Bed Bug Infestation: All the Things You Need To Know About Bed Bugs

Bed Bug | Bed Bug Control Indiana

The U.S. has long been plagued by bed bugs—tiny hitchhikers that invade thousands of properties. These vermin were thought to have been eradicated in 1939 thanks to the discovery of the insecticide DDT, but the bug-free period at homes and establishments didn’t last. Infestations returned with the emergence of a pesticide-resistant species in 2000. Since […]

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Arrow's Blog

Welcome to Arrow Services, Inc’s new blog page.
Below is our 1st ever blog post and we are super excited to start this new experience.

Each week Arrow will feature a new and unique issue that arose during the previous week.
Bloggers will be any employee with a unique experience!

Busting the Most Common Pest Control Myths

Cheese on Mousetrap | Pest Control Myths

Like many other subjects, pest control is no exception to myths that have been passed down to people over the decades. Some of them have become common knowledge that experts and providers of pest management services in Indiana and other states have been continuously debunking them up to this day. Here are three of the […]

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Arrow's Blog

Welcome to Arrow Services, Inc’s new blog page.
Below is our 1st ever blog post and we are super excited to start this new experience.

Each week Arrow will feature a new and unique issue that arose during the previous week.
Bloggers will be any employee with a unique experience!

Tips to Keep Pests Away During the Summer Season

man killing mosquito

While the hot summer weather brings lots of people seeking fun and recreation outdoors, it also brings many pests searching for food and shelter indoors. For some homeowners, keeping their residence pest-free throughout the season makes summer a difficult time. But, this isn’t entirely impossible. Seal Off Any Entry Points With their small size, pests […]

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Arrow's Blog

Welcome to Arrow Services, Inc’s new blog page.
Below is our 1st ever blog post and we are super excited to start this new experience.

Each week Arrow will feature a new and unique issue that arose during the previous week.
Bloggers will be any employee with a unique experience!

A Guide to Identifying the Most Common Stinging Insects

wasp on comb

Stinging insects are responsible for sending more than a hundred thousand people to emergency rooms each year. With their venomous bites, they can cause various health risks ranging from mild discomfort to lethal allergic reactions. To protect yourself from such risks, it’s essential to identify different stinging insects. Below are the most common types you […]

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